MicroBlaze Development Kit Spartan-3E 1600 Edition User Guide 113
UG257 (v1.1) December 5, 2007 www.xilinx.com
MicroBlaze Ethernet IP Cores
MicroBlaze Ethernet IP Cores
The Ethernet PHY is primarily intended for use with MicroBlaze applications. As such, an
Ethernet MAC is part of the EDK Platform Studio’s Base System Builder. Both the full
Ethernet MAC and the Lite version are available for evaluation, as shown in Figure 14-3.
The Ethernet Lite MAC controller core uses fewer FPGA resources and is ideal for
applications that do not require support for interrupts, back-to-back data transfers, and
statistics counters.
The Ethernet MAC core requires design constraints to meet the required performance.
Refer to the OPB Ethernet MAC data sheet (v1.02) for details. The OPB bus clock frequency
must be 65 MHz or higher for 100 Mbps Ethernet operations and 6.5 MHz or faster for
10 Mbps Ethernet operations.
E_RX_CLK V3 Receive Clock. 25 MHz in 100Base-TX mode, and 2.5 MHz in
10Base-T mode.
E_CRS U13 Carrier Sense
E_COL U6 MII Collision Detect.
E_MDC P9 Management Clock. Serial management clock.
E_MDIO U5 Management Data Input/Output.
Table 14 -1: FPGA Connections to the LAN83C185 Ethernet PHY (Continued)
Signal Name
Number Function
Figure 14-3: Ethernet MAC IP Cores for the Spartan-3E Starter Kit Board