PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller www.xilinx.com 17
UG129 (v1.1.2) June 24, 2008
Chapter 2
PicoBlaze Interface Signals
The top-level interface signals to the PicoBlaze™ microcontroller appear in Figure 2-1 and
are described in Table 2-1. Figure 7-1 provides additional detail on the internal structure of
the PicoBlaze controller.
Figure 2-1: PicoBlaze Interface Connections
PicoBlaze Microcontroller
Table 2-1: PicoBlaze Interface Signal Descriptions
Signal Direction Description
IN_PORT[7:0] Input Input Data Port: Present valid input data on this port during an INPUT
instruction. The data is captured on the rising edge of CLK.
INTERRUPT Input Interrupt Input: If the INTERRUPT_ENABLE flag is set by the application
code, generate an INTERRUPT Event by asserting this input High for at least
two CLK cycles. If the INTERRUPT_ENABLE flag is cleared, this input is
RESET Input Reset Input: To reset the PicoBlaze microcontroller and to generate a RESET
Event, assert this input High for at least one CLK cycle. A Reset Event is
automatically generated immediately following FPGA configuration.
CLK Input Clock Input: The frequency may range from DC to the maximum operating
frequency reported by the Xilinx ISE
development software. All PicoBlaze
synchronous elements are clocked from the rising clock edge. There are no
clock duty-cycle requirements beyond the minimum pulse width
requirements of the FPGA.
OUT_PORT[7:0] Output Output Data Port: Output data appears on this port for two CLK cycles during
an OUTPUT instruction. Capture output data within the FPGA at the rising
CLK edge when WRITE_STROBE is High.