
Aiming the home antenna
If you do not hear channel 1, the XM Preview Channel, and the
screen displays “NO SIGNAL,”try moving your Tao xm2go’s
antenna to another location. Make sure the antenna points south
outdoors or through a window.
Complete instructions, including an optional activation setup in a
vehicle, the availability of accessories designed to improve your
signal reception, and more useful information and tips about your
Tao xm2go can be found in your Tao xm2go User Guide.
Your Tao xm2go can help you aim the home antenna to pull in the
strongest signal.
1. Using the “menu” button and dial,choose
“Antenna Aiming.”
2. Slowly turn and tilt the antenna.The signal bars
on the display will change. Find the position that
gives at least two bars on either “satellite” or
3. When you’ve found the best position, press the
“menu” button to return to normal operation.