Display Messages . . . continued
"INVALID ENTRY" is displayed when the numbers entered for the white
values are inappropriate.
Miscellaneous Messages
"BARCODE IN STORE MODE ONLY" indicates that a bar code was scanned
when the instrument was not in storage mode.
"BATTERIES LOW" indicates that the batteries are getting low and will soon
need to be charged. It will only be displayed while the measurement is in
progress. Once displayed you will have approximately
100-200 measurements remaining before charging is mandatory.
"BATTERIES MUST - BE CHARGED" indicates that the batteries are too low
to operate the unit. It will be displayed until you begin the recharge
cycle, thereafter, the unit will be functional and all previous data will be
"LAMP FAILURE" measurement lamp is bad. The lamp should be replaced
by X-Rite or an authorized X-Rite service center. When this message
occurs, you can get out of this condition by pressing
; or waiting until the unit powers down.
"READING ERROR ##" reading error due to hardware problem. If this
message persists the number that is displayed should be reported to
X-Rite or an authorized service center.
"REFL. EXCEEDED" calculation of reflectance for at least one of the filters
was more than 200%. This is usually caused by a bad calibration
procedure. Recalibrate unit.
"THANKS! - I NEEDED THAT!" indicates that the charger has been plugged
in and the batteries are being charged. This is in response to the message
"WEAK LAMP - REPLACE SOON" indicates that the lamp is getting weak
and should be replaced in the near future. When this message occurs,
you can get out of this condition by pressing
; or waiting until unit powers down.
"X-Rite VER#### - COPYRIGHT 1993" is displayed when first activating
calibration. #### represents the datecode of the software.