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Safe operation of an overhead hoist is the operator’s
responsibility. Listed below are some basic rules that can
make an operator aware of dangerous practices to avoid and
precautions to take for his own safety and the safety of others.
Observance of these rules in addition to frequent examinations
and periodic inspection of the equipment may save injury to
personnel and damage to equipment.
a. DO read ANSI B30.16 Safety Standard for Overhead
Hoists and the Operation, Service and Parts Manual.
b. DO be familiar with hoist operating controls,
procedures and warnings.
c. DO make sure hook travel is in the same direction as
shown on controls.
3-1. GENERAL. Operation of Series 800 YALE electric hoists
is controlled by a convenient pendant push button station.
With it, the hoist can be controlled to give fast lifting and
lowering; or controlled to lift or lower load in small increments,
providing accurate spotting. The push button station has a
built-in interlock to prevent depressing opposing buttons
When first using hoist, break-in by operating under lighter
loads to full travel before applying maximum load.
a. Depress push button marked
á to raise load.
b. Depress push button marked
â to lower load.
c. Jogging the push button will give “hairline” load movement.
The quickness of the depressing motion will determine the
amount of movement. Excessive use of this “Jogging” feature
will cause premature burning of contact tips and motor
d. On two-speed hoists, partial depression of button operates
the hoist at slow speed; depressing button completely operates
the hoist at fast speed.
overload clutch, when furnished with the hoist, is factory
preset and tested so that the hoist will lift its full rated load
but will refuse to lift overloads which could cause deformation
or weakening of your hoist. If the load to be lifted exceeds
the clutch setting, the hoist motor will continue to run when
á button is depressed and rotate the load brake gear
without lifting the load. Whenever this slipping occurs,
immediately release the
á push button to prevent overheating
of the clutch friction surfaces and the hoist motor.
Always know load to be lifted. Lift-Tech does not
recommend lifting loads greater than the rated load of
your hoist.
Equipment covered herein is not designed or suitable
as a power source for lifting or lowering persons.
d. DO make sure hoist limit switches function properly.
e. DO maintain firm footing when operating a hoist.
f. DO make sure that load slings or other approved
single attachments are properly sized and seated in the
hook saddle.
g. DO make sure that the hook latch, is closed and not
supporting any part of the load.
h. DO make sure that load is free to move and will clear
all obstructions.
i. DO take up slack carefully, check load balance, lift a
few inches and check load holding action before
j. DO avoid swinging of load or load hook.
k. DO make sure that all persons stay clear of the
suspended load.
l. DO warn personnel of an approaching load.
m. DO protect wire rope from weld splatter or other
damaging contaminants.
n. DO promptly report any malfunction, unusual
performance, or damage of the hoist.
o. DO inspect hoist regularly, replace damaged or worn
parts, and keep appropriate records of maintenance.
p. DO use the hoist manufacturer’s recommended parts
when repairing a hoist.
q. DO use hook latches.
r. DO apply lubricant to wire rope as recommended.
s. DO NOT lift more than rated load.
t. DO NOT use a damaged hoist or a hoist that is not
working correctly.
u. DO NOT use the hoist with twisted, kinked, damaged
or worn wire rope.
v. DO NOT lift a load unless wire rope is properly seated
in its drum groove(s).
w. DO NOT use wire rope as a sling or wrap rope around
the load.
x. DO NOT lift a load if any binding prevents equal
loading on all supporting ropes.
y. DO NOT apply the load to the tip of the hook.
z. DO NOT operate unless load is centered under hoist.
aa. DO NOT allow your attention to be diverted from
operating the hoist.
ab. DO NOT operate the hoist beyond limits of wire rope
ac. DO NOT use limit switches as routine operating stops
unless recommended. They are emergency devices only.
ad. DO NOT use hoist to lift, support or transport people.
ae. DO NOT lift loads over people.
af. DO NOT leave a suspended load unattended unless
specific precautions have been taken.
ag. DO NOT allow sharp contact between two hoists or
between hoist and obstructions.
ah. DO NOT allow the rope or hook to be used as a
ground for welding.
ai. DO NOT allow the rope or hook to be touched by a
live welding electrode.
aj. DO NOT remove or obscure the warnings on the hoist.