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01X Owner’s Manual
Parameter Lists
One input, two output high-quality pitch shifter.
Two input, two output pitch shifter.
One input, two output rotary speaker simulator.
Two input, two output ring modulator.
Parameter Range Description
PITCH –12 to +12 semitones Pitch shift
FINE –50 to +50 cents Pitch shift fine
DELAY 0.0–1000.0 ms Delay time
FB. GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
MODE 1–10 Pitch shift precision
Parameter Range Description
PITCH 1 –24 to +24 semitones Channel #1 pitch shift
FINE 1 –50 to +50 cents Channel #1 pitch shift fine
PITCH 2 –24 to +24 semitones Channel #2 pitch shift
FINE 2 –50 to +50 cents Channel #2 pitch shift fine
LEVEL 1 –100 to +100% Channel #1 level (plus values for normal phase, minus values for reverse phase)
PAN 1 L63 to R63 Channel #1 pan
LEVEL 2 –100 to +100% Channel #2 level (plus values for normal phase, minus values for reverse phase)
PAN 2 L63 to R63 Channel #2 pan
DELAY 1 0.0–1000.0 ms Channel #1 delay time
FB. G 1 –99 to +99% Channel #1 feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
DELAY 2 0.0–1000.0 ms Channel #2 delay time
FB. G 2 –99 to +99% Channel #2 feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
MODE 1–10 Pitch shift precision
Parameter Range Description
ROTATE STOP, START Rotation stop, start
SPEED SLOW, FAST Rotation speed (see SLOW and FAST parameters)
SLOW 0.05–10.00 Hz SLOW rotation speed
FAST 0.05–10.00 Hz FAST rotation speed
DRIVE 0–100 Overdrive level
ACCEL 0–10 Acceleration at speed changes
LOW 0–100 Low-frequency filter
HIGH 0–100 High-frequency filter
Parameter Range Description
SOURCE OSC, SELF Modulation source: oscillator or input signal
OSC FREQ 0.0–5000.0 Hz Oscillator frequency
FM FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Oscillator frequency modulation speed
FM DEPTH 0–100% Oscillator frequency modulation depth