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YM-1312-A, 90890-01312 Fuel level gauge
This gauge is used to measure the fuel level in the
float chamber.
YM-1312-A 90890-01312
YM-1326, 90890-01326 T-handle
This tool is used for holding the damper rod holder
when removing or installing the damper rod holder.
YM-1326 90890-01326
90890-01186 Fork seal driver attachment
This tool is used to installing the oil seal.
YM-8035, 90890-01311 Valve adjusting tool
This tool is necessary for adjusting valve clearance.
YM-8035 90890-01311
YM-33963, 90890-01184 Fork seal driver weight
This tool is used to installing the oil seal.
YM-33963 90890-01184
Dynamic spark tester
Ignition checker
This instrument is necessary for checking the ignition
system components.
YM-34487 90890-06754
YM-33975, 90890-01403 Ring nut wrench
This tool is used when tighten the steering ring nut to
YM-33975 90890-01403
YM-91042, 90890-04086 Clutch holding tool
This tool is used to hold the clutch when removing or
installing the clutch boss securing nut.
YM-91042 90890-04086
YS-1880-A, 90890-01701 Sheave holder
This tool is used for when loosening or tightening the
flywheel magneto securing nut.
YS-1880-A 90890-01701
Part number Tool name/How to use Illustration