Yamaha Commercial Audio M7CL StageMix User Guide
Page 4
3.0 Getting Started
3.1 M7CL Network Setup
I. Connect the WiFi access point to the M7CL’s network port via a CAT5 cable.
Note that a cross-over cable will be needed with older access points that don’t
have the “auto MDIX” function. Most recent devices will support “auto MDIX”,
in which case a straight CAT5 cable can be used.
II. Note the IP address and MAC address of the M7CL - they will need to be
entered into the iPad later. They can be found in the console as follows:
a. Press SETUP on the M7CL touchscreen
b. Press [NETWORK] on the M7CL touchscreen
3.2 iPad WiFi Settings
The iPad needs to be given a static IP address in the same range as the
M7CL’s IP Address.
a. Open the iPad “Settings” menu
b. Select “WiFi”, and choose the correct network (with the SSID and
password given in step 2 above).
c. Press the blue circle with the white arrow to the right of the selected
network to edit the IP address.