Making the Most Of Your Mixer
3-2. Level Setup Procedure For Optimum Performance
Now that we know what we have to do, how do we do it? If you take another quick look at the mixer block diagram you’ll notice
that there’s a peak indicator located right after the head amplifier and EQ stages, and therein lays our answer! Although the exact
procedure you use will depend on the type of mixer you use and the application, as well as your personal preferences, here’s a
general outline:
Start by setting all level controls to their minimum: master faders, group faders (if provided), channel faders, and input
gain controls. Also make sure that no EQ is applied (no boost or cut), and that all effects and dynamic processors included
in the system are defeated or bypassed.
Apply the source signal to each channel one at a time: have singers sing, players play, and playback devices play back at
the loudest expected level. Gradually turn up the input gain control while the signal is being applied to the corresponding
channel until the peak indicator begins to flash, then back off a little so that the peak indicator flashes only occasionally.
Repeat for each active channel.
Raise your master fader(s)—and group faders if available—to their nominal levels (this will be the “0” markings on the
fader scale).
Now, with all sources playing, you can raise the channel faders and set up an initial rough mix.
That’s basically all there is to it. But do keep your eyes on the main output level meters while setting up the mix to be sure you
don’t stay in the “peak zone” all the time. If the output level meters are peaking constantly you will need to lower the channel
faders until the overall program falls within a good range—and this will depend on the “dynamic range” of your program