Calculation of Loop Tempo
Navigate to the [EDIT]: [TRIM/LOOP]: [Config] page. Set the End Type to BEAT. Then
return to the LOOP page. Your defined loop will be displayed in terms of Beats (to the
nearest thousandth of a beat). The Tempo can be calculated in BPM by simply
KNOB 4. This is a reading based on the number of samples between the start and end
points as defined by your loop. The calculation is based on the assumption that your
music is between the tempos of 80 bpm and 159.99 bpm and that you are using some
dividend of 4 measures.
The ‘LpMonitr’ or Loop Monitor feature let’s you hear just ahead of the loop start point –
push and hold it to preview the data up to ½ a second (500ms) – it plays the lead in data
only once then cycles through the loop.
TWE: The Wave Editor
TWE is software that Yamaha Corporation has created as a service to users, and is
distributed at no cost. This is, as the name implies, a full wave editor for Windows 95
equipped PCs. This is for those you that like to edit via a graphic interface. It is available
for download from Yamaha at the United Kingdom’s web site
from your local Yamaha dealer. This will allow you to convert AIFF and WAV files, loop,
time compress, EQ, append waves, cut copy and paste, etc., etc. You can load to and
from your computer via SCSI.
System Reset
If you are sure your A3000 is behaving badly and all else fails then execute the system
reset. It will return your unit to factory, out of the box condition. To reset the A3000 hold
[Program:Play] + [Assignable] keys down simultaneously and power up. The A3000
pauses momentarily, then goes through its normal boot up. All memorized system
parameters are reset to factory defaults. This includes the parametric EQ, and any
memorized controller, effects or setup “inits”. This will also require you to reconfigure the
SCSI bus, if you had connected drives. To do this: Press [DISK] mode: [DISK] function:
[Config] page; select and remount any attached SCSI devices.
Frequently Asked Questions
• Each A3000 Program is saved with its original location memorized. In other words, if
you create and save Program 015, the A3000 remembers that it was created in slot
015 and will load back into Program 015. Why is this?
This feature makes it easy to use your Programs as part of a MIDI system. If you have
programmed your sequencer to recall the A3000 Program via a program change, it is
very convenient to have each Program location remembered. Even though today you
may remember that “SONG for X” is Program #15, 3 months from now you’ll wish you had
written it down somewhere.
You can load any Program from within any Volume, to any location when you utilize the
Load Program Command feature (see Building Custom Volumes).
• In using the Easy Edit feature I couldn’t change the sample’s key range beyond the
limits of the original key range. Why is this?