(4) Have the first passenger move to the rear
of the watercraft.
(5) Have the first passenger board using the
same procedure as the operator, place
their feet on the floor of the footwell, and
securely hold on to the operator.
(6) Have the second passenger follow the
same procedure. When the second pas-
senger is boarding, try to balance the wa-
tercraft together with the first passenger.
(7) Make sure that the passenger(s) have
their feet on the floor of the footwell and
are securely holding on to the person in
front of them or to the handgrip provided.
(8) Look in all directions, start the engine,
and then start off slowly.
To board when it is difficult to balance at a
(1) Have the passenger(s) steady the water-
craft, and then board as noted in the pre-
vious section “Boarding alone”.
(2) Grip the handlebars with both hands,
place both feet on the floor of the footwell,
and balance there.
(3) Have the first passenger board using the
same procedure as the operator, place
their feet on the floor of the footwell, se-
curely hold on to the operator, and bal-
ance there.
UF2M11E0.book Page 73 Monday, July 11, 2011 10:21 AM