Keep area to be tilled cl.t!ared of vines. glass, wire, and stones. ' ..': ':' ';
'" .-, ,
Always start engine with machine on level surface with master' clutch disengaged, Aftecr: starting, let engine warm up several
mInutes at slow speed before:starting ,to; till. : " '-: ,,::',
AlwaY5 preset d~pth bar i(1to ti)e grqund befot~en9~g1ti~"m~st~r:~IL!tch~9ntrOI.: :,' c'..' ' ,
When tilling, run machine at throttl~ ~~ti(l)g'~esi 'su~i~d ~,o ~ro,\Jnd: .corldjtion~.::Alwavs lower t.he tines "slowly" in to the soil,
hold\I'I:9 ba~1< on '\he hand\&s until th~ d~r~d:'ill\~9',d~~ ,i~ ieath~: the~ alJ~w the:til{~~" tti:'move forward slowly using the
depth 'bar drag setting, ' :", '
In hard sod or on rough ground it is u5ualJy ~asier to ma-inUiri.' a $tr,ight forward motion with a slight movement of the
handlt:!1! from side to side, When making the first 1;ut1hi9ugh ~I'I; a,.~a the tiller will track ..Sctraight line. but wh.erl cuttif\9
the second path the~ witl be a tendency to mol/e' 1owardsthe iQ6se: soil. Moving the handle from side to side Will aid in
followrng the edge of the first cut in making a wide str:aigh.t tilled area. After's )ittl~practjceprQfjcjency in the op~ration of
, .' .-'. '.. " " ,
the tlll~r u'n-der aH '~Qnd.itjoj'\sw-llibe Qai~ed: ", '.
You, EA~TH8\,RD '\jkeiJ1.1" math\\1e~w~I'h !:I'oving parts, f'!)U$t receive c~re and mamt,ef)Qnce, The following tip$. it u~~d, .."iill con.
itibute manytrouble,1ree:~ou(sto yOur macryine,
1, CneCl<ojl ;t~,vel ~eqiJe'~tIY. 61' slIerv: 5; hours ot use, Wher'l changing oil, ma~e sure dirt and debris is cleaned from oil drain
,araa bttore:temavihQO!' P\u.9:/ ':
2, Keep tines ~nd 1:lhespoois/ ~1~ar: '
" " ,
:i: Chec~ :all nuts, bolts ~n9sc~e~s o!:c~sjori!l.liy for tightness to be sure mach ine isin QoOddperating condition.
.' , " ,
4, Tt,e mat-hineis pta.llibr,iccitedat ~r~ f~c~bfy:Howev~;! lubrication With'each usage ~i11 prolong 11f6 of wor~ing pa.rts.
5. If you are.9oin~to store your EARTHBIRD1or atl¥ length of time (30 days or longer) it is important that the follOw.
Ing steps be takel1.
a, Drain the gas tank and carburetor, Allow t,heengjne to fUrl out of gas.g,!~oline
left'in the engine will leave 9ul!1/deposit~ in.th'ei:srburetor ~nd gas tank.
b. Cle:a~en~i(\e o~ all f?~ej~f1 ~~tttr,
c. LUbi'ic8te,cYl(n~er by removing the sparkpJlJg a:nd pol,Jring one oun~e ofctean
lubricating o-il through t:h~ s~arl:Cplug ho,le into the cylinder. Cr~nk engine sioWly
to spread oil a~Q tepl:ace sparkp1ug,
The tf.an:smissiqn; is p~~.lubricated, Every 10;15 hours of bperation chec!< the oil .Ievel.by remQving the oil level plug. Use SAE
~Ciextta duty tral'l~mission oil to fill if level IS below plug openitlY. Change oifevery 25 hours.
Thebeit t~nslbri'js -q!:ljustable, The tensioning of belt should be cht?cked every 5-10 hours of operation. Refer to adjustmentss~ion;for
J~st.asvour ~utQmQbi\~ n'e'eq~ protessiOn6\ mechanica~ ma;ntenal'lce from time to time, ~o does your air cooled engine. A yearly
t~f.e:'l.Ip'and Gt}ec.1< ~1aqM~I;~:ied service ce;nter is recommended to avoid breakd<;Jwns- and u~n!1cess~rY dejays dt,iTing the tilling
seasol'l, .' ..