Blast Chilling/Freezing functions
Manual functions
On/off switch Start/stop
Cruise control
Automatically adjusts the working temperature to the type of food.
It reduces the chilling time and prevents superficial burns
Hard Chilling
Working temperature: -20°C
Ideal for solid or firm foods, such as vegetables (grown below the
ground), soups, stocks amd sauces, stews and casseroles, whole
pieces of meat and poultry
Holding at
Working temperature: +3°C or -22°C
Automatically activated at then end of each cycle, to save
energy and maintain the target temperature. Can also
be activated manually to turn the EasyChill into storage
refrigerator or freezer
Turbo cooling function
The user can set a working temperature between -36 and +3 °C,
without stopping the unit. Indicated for continuous and bulk
production and for ice-cream and pastry operation
Manual start for the defrost function
All Blast Chiller/Freezer models have an Intelligent defrost that
is activated automatically whenever necessary and as long as
necessary. It can also be activated manually
UV sterilizing lamp
Built-in UV lamps (only on request) to sterilize the cooling chamber
after use
Settings of the following parameters:
• date and time • customer profile limits • alarms and HACCP
options • bactericide cycle time (only with UV lamps)
Service Alarms recall
Calls up the operational events registred by the auto-diagnostic
Soft Chilling
Working temperature: -2°C
Ideal for delicate foods, such as leafy or cut vegetables, seafood,
small portions of meat, pastries, small cakes, buiscuits, pasta
Shock Freezing
Working temperature: -36°C
Ideal for freezing all kinds of food - raw, half or fully cooked - that
need to be stored over a long period of time
Customizable Programs (2 per cycle)
Provides the possibility to customize standard cycles according to
your needs.
Can be replaced (through parameter setting) by ICE CREAM
Freeze and Hold and the ICE CREAM turbo cooling cycles
Core Probe selector
It allows to alternately monitor the temperature of 3 different core
probes (optional) inserted in different kinds or sizes of food or to
monitor each of the 3 sensors of the food probe supplied as standard
Norms profile selection
It is possible to set up the machine according to the desired
HACCP norms (UK and NF and pre-programmed)
HACCP recall
Calls up the operational events registered by the temperature
monitoring system