Approx Cook Time
Shelf Position
- Flapjack 160 - 170 25 - 30 1
- Shortbread 130 - 150 45 - 65 1
- Beef/Lamb 150 - 170 150 - 180 1
- Chicken 160 - 180 75 - 90 1
Convenience Foods Follow manufacturer´s instructions.
Fish 170 - 190 20 - 30 1
Fish Pie (Potato Topped) 190 - 200 20 - 30 1
Fruit Pies, Crumbles 190 - 200 30 - 50 1
Milk Puddings 150 - 170 90 - 120 1
Pasta Lasagne etc. 170 - 180 40 - 50 1
- Choux 180 - 190 30 - 40 1
- Eclairs, Profiteroles 180 - 190 30 - 40 1
- Flaky/Puff Pies 210 - 220 30 - 40 1
- Mince Pies 190 - 200 15 - 20 1
- Meat Pies 190 - 210 25 - 35 1
- Quiche, Tarts, Flans 180 - 200 25 - 50 1
Scones 220 - 230 8 - 12 1
Shepard´s Pie 190 - 200 30 - 40 1
Soufflés 180 - 190 20 - 30 1
- Baked Jacket Potatoes 180 - 190 60 - 90 1
- Roast Potatoes 180 - 190 60- 90 1
Yorkshire Pudding:
- Large 200 - 210 25 - 40 1
- Individual 210 - 220 15 - 25 1
Roasting Meat, Poultry See roasting chart.
Main oven
Shelf Positions are not critical but ensure
that oven shelves are evenly spaced when
more than one is used (e.g. shelf positions 1
and 3)