Welcome to the Power Revolution!
Your new ZAPPY Power-Assist
Scooter is your ticket to fun and
freedom. It's whisper quiet, smog
free and fun! Fly down the side-
walk, doing errands or visiting
friends, for only pennies of elec-
tricity. Fold up your little cement
surfer and take it in your car, or
on the bus or train. It's the worlds
first truly portable electric vehi-
cle, 21st century technology, just a
little bit ahead of its time.
Remember that you will get the
best performance and range on
smooth and flat terrain.
Remember also that you can
always augment the electric
power with a few kicks. Kick,
kick, flick that power switch and fly and remember to warn those ahead of
you because they won't hear you coming!
Thank you for purchasing a ZAPPY, just one of ZAP's complete line of two-
and three-wheeled electric vehicles. Our hope is that your ZAPPY will make
your life more fun while contributing to a healthier planet for all.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this owner's manual.
Proper use of the ZAPPY will maximize your performance and enjoyment.
Just a little extra time reading your manual now can help you avoid frustra
tion in the future.
Our customer service department is available between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30
p.m. PST, Monday through Friday at
(707) 824-4150 to help you with any
questions or problems that may occur. You can also e-mail your questions
to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to zap@zapworld.com.