11/24/09 APL-I Reference Guide 14177L-003
10/100 external print server, 91
10/100 internal print server, 91
Xi4, 92
ZM400/ZM600, 92
abort print job, 20
advanced mode, select, 22
alphanumeric field separator, 22
amount of storage, define, 35
auto-transmit 1, 2, and 3, disable, 36
auto-transmit 1, enable, 35
auto-transmit 2, enable, 35
auto-transmit 3, enable, 36
bar code field, create or edit, 63
bar code select type, 45
batch count, set, 22
bitmap cell height for graphic or UDF, define, 63
bitmap cell width for graphic or UDF, define, 64
bitmap user-defined font, clear or define, 64
border around human-readable text, define, 65
box field, create or edit, 66
character bitmap origin offset, define, 66
character rotation or bar code ratio, define, 67
clear all data, 23
clear data from current field, 23
codabar, 48
code 11, 48
code 128, 49
code 16K, 52
code 2 of 5, 47
code 39, 46
code 39 prefix character, define, 67
code 49, 52
code 93, 46
command tables, load, 68
command terminator, 23, 80
command terminator 2, 23
configuration, 35
immediate, 20
print, 22
program mode, 45
test and service, 80