ZKDU Keyboard Controls
6/4/2013 ZKDU User’s Guide P1059693-001Rev. A
ZKDU Keyboard Controls
The ZKDU has a QWERTY style keyboard that includes special function and navigation
keys to allow the operator to control form access, data entry, set print counts, and printing.
The white character keys are the valid characters allowed in form names for both EPL and
ZPL formats. The white arrow keys are not valid characters, they are for navigation only.
After the ZKDU has finished it’s startup routine, the printer displays the FORM recall
screen. The only keys that are active during this time are the
FORM , F1 , and F2 keys.
FORM key - Print Form request. Pressing the “Form” key causes the ZKDU to display
the forms request prompt. Valid Form names for the ZKDU are up to eight (8) characters
long. The ZKDU will automatically append the appropriate extension for EPL or ZPL
Form files based on the selected programming language mode of the ZKDU.
Note • EPL form names are case sensitive, where ZPL form names are not.