HTTP Messages
1/20/15 P1071336-002
17. Does the value in weblink.ip.conn1.location match either the Common Name or one of
the names listed in the Subject Alternate Name of the remote server’s certificate?
18. Is the proxy server configured correctly and does the respective proxy server allow
HTTPS connections via the HTTP CONNECT method?
19. Are there any HTTP authentication attempts when trying to connect that fail?
20. Are there any HTTP/1.1 4xx messages in the log?
If your connection issues persist and the solutions in this document do not help, contact Zebra
Tech Support and provide the output of the following command. Ensure that logging is
enabled and that the error(s) appear within the entries)
HTTP Messages
Message Cause / Solution
HTTP/1.1100Continue This indicates that the server and printer have begun
communicating and is often seen in place of
HTTP/1.1101SwitchingProtocols This indicates that the basic connection to the server worked
and the protocol is being switched to a more efficient protocol
for data transfer.
HTTP/1.1200OK This indicates that an HTTPGET or HTTPPOST was successful.
HTTP/1.130xMoved/Redirect/etc This indicates that the URL specified has moved or that the
firewall redirected the printer to another location (typically this
is done to authenticate a user in a transparent proxy
HTTP/1.1401Unauthorized This indicates that the printer either needs to authenticate with
the server or failed to authenticate with the remote server (or
server/router along the route to the server).
HTTP/1.1403Forbidden This typically means that the authentication was provided and
valid; however, the user does not have access to the requested
HTTP/1.1404NotFound This indicates that the remote URL provided points to an invalid
location on the server. This does indicate, however, that the
server name is valid. Just the path after the domain name is