
All Zebra Card Printers are warranted against defects in material or workmanship for twelve (12)
months from the purchase date.
Proof of purchase or shipment date is required to validate the warranty period. The warranty be
comesvoid ifthe equipment ismodified,improperly installed orused, damagedby accidentor ne
glect, or if any parts are improperly installed or replaced by the user.
Note: Products returned must be packaged in the original or comparable packing and shipping
container. Intheeventequipment isnotsopackaged,orif shippingdamageisevident, itwillnotbe
accepted for service underwarranty. If it is determined that the product returned for warranty ser-
vice or replacement is not defective as herein defined, the customer will pay all handling and
transportation costs.
Sinceprinthead wearispart ofnormaloperation, theoriginalprinthead iscovered byatwelve (12)
month warranty. Warranty period begins on purchase date.
To qualify for this warranty, the printhead must be returned to the factory or to an authorized ser-
vice center. Customers are not required to purchase Zebra supplies (media and/or ribbons) for
warrantyqualification. However,ifitis determinedthatthe useof othermanufacturer supplieshas
caused any defect in the printhead for which a warranty claim is made, the user is responsible for
all labor and materialcharges required to repair the defect. The warrantybecomes void ifthe
printheadisphysicallywornordamaged;alsoifitisdeterminedthatfailuretofollow thepreventive
maintenance schedule listed in the User’s Guide has causes defect in the thermal printhead for
which a warranty claim is made.
rial and workmanship for 90 days (except where otherwise denoted) from date of purchase. This
or neglect.
iv 980261-001 Rev.C
800-658-8788 www.abcoffice.com