Owner's Manual
ZETA Strados Violin
Copyright 2000 ZETA Music Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
overall audio output signal of the instrument to the amplifier.
Clockwise rotation increases output; counter-clockwise rotation
decreases output.
MIDI Capability:
When using your Strados Violin with the Synthony II MIDI
Processor, the volume knob acts as a blend knob, and can be used
to achieve a balanced volume between the audio output and the
MIDI output. Clockwise rotation increases volume of both the
instrument and the Synthony II; counter-clockwise rotation
decreases volume of each. If you wish to further increase or
decrease volume of the Synthony II, this can be done using the
volume knob located on the front panel of the Synthony II.
The Instrument Audio Output Jack carries the signal from the pickup
system of the Strados Violin to an amplification system, such as the ZETA
AP-12 amplifier.
This 13-pin DIN connector jack is for use with the Synthony II MIDI
Processor. A special cable, included with each Synthony II, connects to
the Multi-Pin Output Jack.
Important Note Regarding Battery Life:
Performer Series instruments use active electronics - an internal
battery powers the sound of the instrument. The internal battery is
activated whenever a cable is plugged into the instrument. Be sure
to unplug any and all cables when not using your instrument, in
order to preserve battery life.
The Strados Violin features ZETA's patented Strados pickup system. The
Strados pickup system is made of a space-age composite material, which is
extremely durable. Dual patented piezo crystals per string are utilized, for a full-
frequency response. It is the dual piezo crystals, which allow the violin to be
ZETA's piezo crystals have been designed in coordination with Stanford
University's Music Technology Department, specifically for use with stringed