AT Command Set Summaries 15
Command Options Function & Description
Z0 Reset and recall user profile 0. Either Z0 or
Z1 restores the same single profile.
* Manufacturer default
Extended AT& Command Set
Command Options Function & Description
&Cn Data carrier detect option
&C0 State of carrier from remote modem is ignored. DCD circuit is always on
&C1 * DCD turns on when the remote modem’s carrier signal is detected, and
off when the carrier signal is not detected.
&Dn Data Terminal Ready (DTR) option.
&D0 DTR ignored
&D1 Go to command mode on on-to-off DTR transition
&D2 * Hang up and go to command mode on on-to-off DTR transition. Auto-
answer is disabled if DTR is low
&D3 Hang up and reset from user profile 0 on the on-to-off DTR transition
&F Recall factory default setting as active configuration
&Gn V.22bis guard tone option
&G0 * No guard tone
&G1 550 Hz guard tone
&G2 1800 Hz guard tone
&Kn Set local flow control
&K0 Disable flow control
&K3 * Enable bi-directional hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
&K4 Enable bi-directional software flow control (XON/XOFF)
&Pn Pulse dialing make/break ratio selection
&P0 Make=39%, Break=61%, international version (Default)
Make=33%, Break=67% for use in 20 pps, Japanese version
&P1 Make=33%, Break=67%, international version
Make=33%, Break=67% for use in 10 pps, Japanese version (Default)
&Qn Async communications mode options
&Q0 Async mode, buffered (same as “AT\N0”)
&Q5 * Error control mode, buffered (same as “AT\N3”)
&Q8 MNP error control mode. If an MNP error control protocol is not
established, the modem will fallback according to the current setting in
S36 register.
&Q9 V.42 or MNP error control mode. If neither error control protocol is
established, the modem will fallback according to the current setting in
S36 register.
&Sn Data Set Ready (DSR) option
&S0 * DSR always on
&S1 DSR on during handshake and on-line, off in test mode or idle mode
&Tn Self-test commands
&T0 Terminate any test in progress
&T1 Local analog loopback test
&T3 Local digital loopback (LDL) test
&T6 Remote digital loopback test
&V View active file and stored phone numbers