Chapter 37 OSPF
XGS-4526/4528F/4728F User’s Guide
37.4 Configure OSPF Areas
To ensure that the Switch receives only routing information from a trusted layer-3
devices, activate authentication. The OSPF supports three levels of authentication:
• None – no authentication is used.
• Simple – authenticate link state updates using an 8 printable ASCII character
• MD5 – authenticate link state updates using a 16 printable ASCII character
Distance Enter a number from 10 to 255 to specify the administrative distance that is
assigned to routes learned by OSPF.
The lower the administrative distance value is, the more preferable the
routing protocol is. See Section 36.1.1 on page 327 for more information
about administrative distance.
Note: You cannot set two routing protocols to have the same
administrative distance.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The
Switch loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save
link on the top navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile
memory when you are done configuring.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Table 117 IP Application > OSPF Configuration: Activating and General Settings