Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router
38-2 Internal SPTGEN
Figure 38-1 Configuration Text File Format: Column Descriptions
DO NOT alter or delete any field except parameters in the Input column.
For more text file examples, refer to the Example Internal SPTGEN Screens Appendix.
38.2.1 Internal SPTGEN File Modification - Important Points to Remember
• Each parameter you enter must be preceded by one “=”sign and one space.
• Some parameters are dependent on others. For example, if you disable the Configured field in menu 1
(see Figure 38-1), then you disable every field in this menu.
• If you enter a parameter that is invalid in the Input column, the Prestige will not save the configuration
and the command line will display the Field Identification Number. Figure 38-2, shown next, is an
example of what the Prestige displays if you enter a value other than “0” or “1” in the Input column of
Field Identification Number 1000000 (refer to Figure 38-1).
/ Menu 1 General Setup
10000000 = Configured <0(No)| 1(Yes)> = 1
10000001 = System Name <Str> = Prestige
10000002 = Location <Str> =
10000003 = Contact Person’s Name <Str> =
10000004 = Route IP <0(No)| 1(Yes)> = 1
10000005 = Route IPX <0(No)| 1(Yes)> = 0
10000006 = Bridge <0(No)| 1(Yes)> = 0
This is the Field Name column.
This is the name of the field as seen in
the corresponding SMT screen.
Example: Configured
One “=” sign, followed by one
space, must precede
everything you input.
This is the name of
the menu.
This is the Field
Identification Number
This column numerically
identifies the Field Name
column entries.
Example: 10000000
The Input column.
Input values to the
right of the “=” sign.
Make sure one equal
sign, followed by one
space, precedes your
This is the Parameter Values Allowed
This column defines acceptable
parameters. Parameters are usually
numbers, but can sometimes be strings
(<Str> indicates a string). All parameters
should be entered in the Input column.
Example: <0(No) | 1(Yes)>