
4.2. To access the A-6000 System WEB Server
There are three tags on left-top of the Web Server System Status window: Status, Configuration and Syslog.
Each of the tag contains different functions of the A-6000 management.
Follow these steps to configure the channel frequency and SSID using a web browser:
1. Launch a web browser (Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer are examples of commonly used web
2. From the PC, enter the IP address that is assigned to the system as the URL address, for example
3. A dialog box appears requesting login authorization.
When prompted, enter the following information to log in:
Log in: admin (case-sensitive)
Password: 1234
Click OK to complete the login process.
NOTE: The web browser must support frames and Java script must be enabled.
4. The A-6000 Web Server System Status window appears as below:
Figure 4-1 Status-System information