
AES-100 User’s Guide
IP Configuration 7-1
Chapter 7
IP Configuration
This chapter shows you how to configure the IP (Internet Protocol) parameters. The IP host
implementation in the AES-100 allows you to manage it over the network.
More often than not, you have more than one AES-100 for a particular installation. Before you start configuring
the AES-100s, make sure that you
1. Plan ahead.
2. Have a complete diagram showing the whole network.
3. Record the IP parameters assigned to the equipment in your network.
7.1 Setting the IP Address
To set the AES-100’s IP address, subnet mask and default route, use the following command sequence:
1.> ip
2. ip> device delete ether
3. ip> device add ether ether //bridge <new ip address>
4. ip> route delete default
5. ip> route add default <default gateway> 00:00:00:00
6. ip> config save
7. ip> restart
Line 1 brings you to the IP subsystem.
Line 2 clears the old parameters of the AES-100.
Line 3 adds the new IP address for the AES-100. The system will automatically compute the subnet mask when
the system is restarted. If you want to specify a subnet manually, add the following two commands before line 4:
3.1 ip> subnet delete ether.home
3.2 ip> subnet add ether.home ether <subnet address> <subnet mask>
Where <subnet mask> is the subnet mask in hexadecimal, for example “ff:ff:ff:00”.
Line 4 deletes the existing default route.
Line 5 adds the new default route. The default route tells the system where the gateway (next hop) is when the
AES-100 sends packets to a destination that is not on the same subnet as the AES-100.
Line 6 saves the new configuration to the nonvolatile memory.