Chapter 11 Telnet
EOC350 Series User’s Guide
swtagvlan [-c <on/off>]
[-p <lan1/lan2/hpna> [-r <priority
(0~7)>] [-v <vid (1~4095)>] [-i
<all/tag>] [-o <untag/tag/ bypass
Display or setup the LAN1/LAN2/EoC tagged
• <lan1/lan2/hpna>: configure LAN1, LAN2 or
EoC port
• <priority>: 802.1p value, 0~7
• <vid>: 802.1Q VID, 1~4095
• <all/tag>: This is an ingress rule to accept all
incoming packets or accept incoming tagged
packets only, reject other incoming packets.
• <untag/tag/bypass>: This is an egress rule to
untag, tag or bypass the outgoing packets.
• -c: enable tagged VLAN mode or not
• -p: the port in tagged VLAN mode
• -r: 802.1p in tagged VLAN mode
• -v: VID of 802.1Q in tagged VLAN mode
• -i: ingress rule for the port in tagged VLAN
• -o: egress rule for the port in tagged VLAN
tftp -s <ip or host>
-c <get/put>
-f <file>
Get a file (upload file onto termination system) or
to put a file (retrieve file from termination system)
from a TFTP server.
• <ip or host>: IP address or host name
• <get/put>: run TFTP command 'get' or 'put'
• <file>: filename
time Display current system time.
upep [-a]
[-m <mac>]
[-n <note>]
Upgrade the termination adapter EoC. For EoC
drivers, this operation also synchronizes the
termination adapter with the termination adapter
EoC Properties stored in the termination system.
• -a: upgrade all on-line termination adapters at
• -m: upgrade the termination adapter with
matching MAC <mac>
• -n: upgrade the termination adapter 'Note'
property <note> of the termination adapter
with the matching MAC <mac>
upmaster Upgrade the termination system EoC driver
(stored in Upload Area). This operation also
synchronizes the termination system EoC device
with its termination system EoC Properties.
upsys Upgrade the uploaded system firmware (stored in
Upload Area), then reboot.
useradd name
-p <password>
-r <ro/rw>
Create new management user account.
• name: user name
• -p: login password
• -r: 'ro' means a user has read-only privileges,
'rw' means a user has read-write privileges
userdel name Delete the management user account.
• name: user name
Table 50 Generic Telnet Commands (continued)