Chapter 19 RMON-Lite
ES-1552 User’s Guide
Figure 75 RMON History Control: Modify
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
19.4.3 RMON History Statistics: Overview
Use the RMON History Statistics: Overview screen to view the results of statistical
sampling on the ports. Select [2] History Statistics from the RMON MIB Table: drop down
listbox in the RMON-Lite screen to view the screen as shown.
Table 57 RMON History Control: Modify
Use this drop down list box to select the MIB table you want to view. Click Apply to
refresh the screen to the selected MIB table view.
Index This field displays the entry index number.
Data Source This field displays the port number associated with the Index entry.
This field displays the number of samplings the Owner of the entry requests.
Interval Enter the time (in seconds) between data samplings.
Owner Enter a descriptive name of the application that creates this entry. You can use 1-
64 printable characters. Spaces are not allowed.
Status Select Enable/Disable to activate or deactivate statistical sampling on the port.
Apply Click this to save the settings on the switch.
History Control
Click this to go back to the RMON History Control: Overview screen.