Appendix D Common Services
ES-3148 User’s Guide
File Transfer Program, a program to enable
fast transfer of files, including large files
that may not be possible by e-mail.
H.323 TCP 1720 NetMeeting uses this protocol.
HTTP TCP 80 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - a client/
server protocol for the world wide web.
HTTPS TCP 443 HTTPS is a secured http session often
used in e-commerce.
ICMP User-Defined 1 Internet Control Message Protocol is often
used for diagnostic or routing purposes.
ICQ UDP 4000 This is a popular Internet chat program.
User-Defined 2 Internet Group Management Protocol is
used when sending packets to a specific
group of hosts.
IKE UDP 500 The Internet Key Exchange algorithm is
used for key distribution and management.
IRC TCP/UDP 6667 This is another popular Internet chat
MSN Messenger TCP 1863 Microsoft Networks’ messenger service
uses this protocol.
NEW-ICQ TCP 5190 An Internet chat program.
NEWS TCP 144 A protocol for news groups.
NFS UDP 2049 Network File System - NFS is a client/
server distributed file service that provides
transparent file sharing for network
NNTP TCP 119 Network News Transport Protocol is the
delivery mechanism for the USENET
newsgroup service.
PING User-Defined 1 Packet INternet Groper is a protocol that
sends out ICMP echo requests to test
whether or not a remote host is reachable.
POP3 TCP 110 Post Office Protocol version 3 lets a client
computer get e-mail from a POP3 server
through a temporary connection (TCP/IP or
PPTP TCP 1723 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol enables
secure transfer of data over public
networks. This is the control channel.
User-Defined 47 PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
enables secure transfer of data over public
networks. This is the data channel.
RCMD TCP 512 Remote Command Service.
REAL_AUDIO TCP 7070 A streaming audio service that enables real
time sound over the web.
REXEC TCP 514 Remote Execution Daemon.
RLOGIN TCP 513 Remote Login.
RTELNET TCP 107 Remote Telnet.
Table 135 Commonly Used Services (continued)