ES-2024 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 32 Configuration Mode Commands 220
Configuration Mode Commands
This chapter describes how to enable and configure your switch’s features using commands.
For more background information, see the feature specific chapters which proceed the
commands chapters.
32.1 Setting Login Accounts
logins username <username> password <password>
logins username <username> privilege <0-14>
Use this command to configure a login account.
The following example creates a new login account with a user name of JohnDoe, a password
of 12345678 and a privilege level of 12.
username <username>
= Specifies a new user (up to 32 alphanumeric characters). Enter
a user name to change the settings of an existing account.
password <password>
= Specifies the new password (up to 32 alphanumeric
characters) for this user.
privilege <0-14>
= Assigns a privilege level for the user. Refer to Section 30.6 on
page 185 for more information.
sysname# config
sysname(config)# logins username JohnDoe password 12345678
sysname(config)# logins username JohnDoe privilege 12
sysname(config)# exit
sysname# show logins
Login Username Privilege
1 JohnDoe 12
2 0
3 0
4 0