ES-4024A User’s Guide
Chapter 28 OSPF 175
28.6 Configuring OSPF Virtual Links
In the OSPF Configuration screen, click Virtual Link to display the screen as shown next.
Figure 105 OSPF Virtual Link
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Key ID When you select MD5 in the Authentication field, specify the identification number of
the authentication you want to use.
Key When you select Simple in the Authentication field, enter a password eight-character
long. Characters after the eighth character will be ignored.
When you select MD5 in the Authentication field, enter a password 16-character long.
Cost The interface cost is used for calculating the routing table. Enter a number between 0
and 65535.
Apply Click Apply to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to start configuring the above fields again.
Table 68 OSPF Interface (continued)
Table 69 OSPF Virtual Link
Active Select this option to enable this virtual link.
Name Enter a descriptive name for this virtual link.
Area ID Enter the ID of a transit area in dotted decimal notation.
Peer Router ID Enter the ID of a peer border router.