Chapter 16 Mirroring
MGS3700-12C User’s Guide
16.2.4 Destination
It will monitor port traffic from intermediate switch or source switch by RMirror
VLAN. The configuration contains: RMirror VLAN, monitor-port and connected-
If the destination switch is other supplier switch device, it needs to support 802.1q
for basis function on RMirror. If user wants to have fully support on RMirror,
learning should be disabled and forwarding the control packet.
Click Advanced Application > Mirroring> RMirror > Destination on the up
right of the navigation panel to display the screen shown. See the Table 40 on
page 182 for more information on Destination switch.
Mirrored Select this option to mirror the traffic on a port.
Direction Specifythedirectionof thetraffictomirrorbyselectingfromthedrop‐downlist
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the Switch's run-time
memory. The Switch loses these changes if it is turned off or loses
power, so use the Save link on the top navigation panel to save
your changes to the non-volatile memory when you are done
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.
VLAN This field displays the VLAN ID.
802.1p Priority This field displays the 802.1p priority.
Mirror Port This field displays the mirror-port number(s).
Ingress This field displays the ingress direction port number(s) of mirror-
Egress This field displays the egress direction port number(s) of mirror-
Both This field displays the both direction port number(s) of mirror-
Reflector Port This field displays the reflector-port.
Table 39 Advanced Application > Mirroring> RMirror > Source