Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
4-2 Remote Node Configuration
Table 4-1 Remote Node Profile Menu Fields for Leased Lines
Field Description Options
Rem Node Name This is a required field [?]. Enter a descriptive name for
the remote node, e.g., Corp. This field can be up to eight
characters. This name must be unique from any other
remote node name or remote dial-in user name.
Active Press the space bar to toggle between [Yes] and [No]. Press space bar
to toggle
Incoming: Rem Node
Login Name
Enter the login name that this remote node will use when
it calls your Prestige 1100. The login name in this field
combined with the Rem Node Password will be used to
authenticate this node.
Incoming: Rem Node
Enter the password used when this remote node calls
your Prestige 1100.
Outgoing: My Login
Enter the login name for your Prestige 1100 when it calls
this remote node.
Outgoing: My
Enter the password for your Prestige 1100 when it calls
this remote node.
This field sets the authentication protocol used for
outgoing calls.
Options for this field are:
l CHAP/PAP - Your Prestige 1100 will accept either
CHAP or PAP when requested by this remote node.
l CHAP - accept CHAP only. [CHAP]
Outgoing: Authen
l PAP – accept PAP only. [PAP]
Route This field determines the protocols that your Prestige
1100 will route.
Bridge Bridging is used for protocols that the Prestige 1100 does
not route, e.g., SNA, or not turned on in the previous
Route field. When bridging is enabled, your Prestige 1100
will forward any packet that it does not route to this
remote node; otherwise, the packets are discarded. .
Press space bar
to toggle