P2000W V2 Troubleshooting Guide
10. How are voice quality normally rated?
Voice quality is most commonly rated through a voice quality metric called the
Opinion Score (MOS)
which is recommendation by ITU-T. The MOS is a 5 point scale
where 5 represent excellent voice quality and 1 represent bad voice quality.
11. What is codec?
Codec is an algorithm which converts analog signal into digital signal and vice
versa. There are three main types of waveform codec, source codec, and hybrid codec.
Each consume different amount of bandwidth and provide different voice quality level.
12. What is the relation of codec and VoIP?
As VoIP is general term send voice information in digital form in discrete packets over
digital network and this digital network is public network, thus there maybe other packet
such data packet uses network at the same time. The codec choose is related to how much
bandwidth voice packet will consume. In bandwidth wise aspect the smaller amount of
bandwidth used the better. But in voice aspect the higher quality the better.
13. Which codec should I choose?
As which codec choose is depending on what codec is supported on both end of the VoIP
host. Generally a codec with low bandwidth consumption and high voice quality is a good
14. I have press load default setting from
Menu->Setting->Load Default
option from the
phone cursor but the device seems not fully resetted?
'Load default' is not reset all of the settings. If you press the 'load default', it will reset the
Time format, Key lock, Melody, Ring volume, Banner and Vibrator setting to default.
15. How do I reset the device to factory default?
To reset P2000W V2 to default including username/password. Please follow the step as
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