P-334U/P-335U User’s Guide
178 Chapter 15 Bandwidth Management
15.7 Default Bandwidth Management Classes and Priorities
If you enable bandwidth management but do not configure a rule for critical traffic like VoIP,
the voice traffic may then get delayed due to insufficient bandwidth. With the automatic traffic
classifier feature activated, the ZyXEL Device automatically assigns a default bandwidth
management class and priority to traffic that does not match any of the user-defined rules. The
traffic is classified based on the traffic type. Real-time traffic always gets higher priority over
other traffic.
The following table shows you the priorities between the three default classes (AutoClass_H,
AutoClass_M and Default Class) and user-defined rules. 6 is the highest priority.
Table 65 Bandwidth Management Priority with Default Classes
User-defined with high priority 6
AutoClass_H 5
User-defined with medium priority 4
AutoClass_M 3
User-defined with low priority 2
Default Class 1
TELNET(TCP:23) Telnet is the login and terminal emulation protocol common on the
Internet and in UNIX environments. It operates over TCP/IP
networks. Its primary function is to allow users to log into remote host
TFTP(UDP:69) Trivial File Transfer Protocol is an Internet file transfer protocol
similar to FTP, but uses the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) rather
than TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
VDOLIVE(TCP:7000) Another videoconferencing solution.
Table 64 Commonly Used Services