
XGS-4528F User’s Guide
Simple Network Management Protocol, see SNMP
SNMP 38, 286
agent 286
and MIB 286
authentication 292
communities 291
management model 286
manager 286
MIB 287
network components 286
object variables 286
protocol operations 286
security 292
setup 290
traps 292
version 3 and security 287
versions supported 286
SNMP traps 287
supported 287, 288, 289, 290
Spanning Tree Protocol, See STP. 107
SPQ (Strict Priority Queuing) 164
encryption methods 296
how it works 295
implementation 296
SSH (Secure Shell) 295
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 296
standby ports 133
start-up problems 327
static bindings 201
static MAC address 103
static MAC forwarding 95, 97, 103
static routes 227, 228
static trunking example 138
Static VLAN 91
static VLAN
control 92
tagging 92
status 52, 67
LED 47
link aggregation 134
OSPF 233
port 67
port details 68
power 75
STP 116, 119, 123
VRRP 268
STP 107, 339
bridge ID 116, 119
bridge priority 115, 118
configuration 114, 117, 120
designated bridge 108
forwarding delay 115, 118
Hello BPDU 108
Hello Time 115, 116, 118, 119
how it works 108
Max Age 115, 116, 118, 119
path cost 108, 115, 118
port priority 115, 118
port state 108
root port 108
status 116, 119, 123
terminology 107
vs loop guard 221
stub area 231, 238
stub area, See also OSPF 238
subnet 345
subnet based VLANs 94
and DHCP VLAN 95
and priority 94
configuration 95
subnet mask 346
subnetting 348
switch lockout 58
switch reset 59
switch setup 77
switching 339
syntax conventions 4
syslog 204, 305
protocol 305
server setup 306
settings 305
setup 305
severity levels 305
system information 73
system log 303
system reboot 281
setup 190
TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access-
Control System Plus) 187
tagged VLAN 87
temperature 335
temperature indicator 74
current 76
time zone 76
Time (RFC-868) 76
time server 76
time service protocol 76
format 76
Time To Live (TTL) 249