cOnly use your XOHM Modem indoors. Avoid moisture or
extreme temperatures.
cFor improved reception, place the modem near a closed
cPlace your modem within easy reach of a reliable power
supply and the computer to which it will be connected.
cMake sure there’s plenty of space around your modem to
provide the best signal reception.
cKeep your modem at least a foot away from other electronic
devices such as Wi-Fi routers and cordless phones.
What you will need for setup and activation:
cCD-ROM drive (for XOHM Modem Setup Assistant)
cWeb browser (XOHM Modem is compatible with
Internet Explorer 6 and higher, Firefox 1.5 and higher, and
Safari 2.0. May function with other browsers as well.)
c32MB RAM minimum (64MB recommended)
c20MB available hard disk space
c10/100Mbps Ethernet port
cCredit card for activation