Chapter 1 Introducing the P-870HN-51D
P-870HN-51D User’s Guide
Computers can connect to the P-870HN-51D’s LAN ports (or wirelessly).
Figure 1 P-870HN-51D’s Internet Access Application
You can also configure the firewall on the P-870HN-51D for secure Internet
access. When the firewall is on, all incoming traffic from the Internet to your
network is blocked by default unless it is initiated from your network. This means
that probes from the outside to your network are not allowed, but you can safely
browse the Internet and download files.
1.3 Ways to Manage the P-870HN-51D
Use any of the following methods to manage the P-870HN-51D.
• Web Configurator. This is recommended for everyday management of the P-
870HN-51D using a (supported) web browser.
• TR-069. This is an auto-configuration server used to remotely configure your
1.4 Good Habits for Managing the P-870HN-51D
Do the following things regularly to make the P-870HN-51D more secure and to
manage the P-870HN-51D more effectively.
• Change the password. Use a password that’s not easy to guess and that consists
of different types of characters, such as numbers and letters.
• Write down the password and put it in a safe place.