Enabling Bridged Extensions 109
The VCX system allows you to set up your extension so that other users
can receive your calls at their phones. Through the VCX User Interface,
you can grant permission to up to four other users to receive calls
intended for your extension; that is, you are “bridging” your extension to
their phones.
The bridged phone is sometimes referred to as the primary phone. The
phone receiving bridged calls is sometimes referred to as the secondary
A bridged extension is typically used by an administrative assistant (the
secondary phone) to accept calls for one or more managers (primary
phones). Or one manager (primary phone) may be monitored by multiple
assistants (secondary phones). The primary phone and the secondary
phone (or phones) can be located at different sites.
Bridging an extension requires three steps:
1 On the phone whose extension you want to bridge (for example,
extension 1000):
a Log in to the VCX User Interface, select the My Extensions option,
then access the Bridge Permissions tabbed page.
b Specify the extension (for example, extension 1001) that you want to
receive a bridged call and click Add.
The bridged phone can identify up to four phone numbers to bridge
with, but the number of extensions it can actually bridge is determined by
the maximum number of contacts that the system administrator has set
up for the phone, which may be fewer than four.
2 On the phone that will receive a bridged call (in this example, extension
a Log in to the VCX User Interface, select the My Extensions option,
then access the Button Mappings tabbed page.
b Map the bridged extension (in this example, extension 1000) to an
System Appearance (SA) button (either SA 4, SA 5, or both buttons)
and click Save.
You should not bridge an extension to a Basic phone (Models 2101 or
3101) because these phones have no programmable buttons. Therefore,
a Basic phone has no way of distinguishing a call to its extension and a
bridged call.