Feature Codes 69
Speed Dial — Personal Feature + 601 + n
where n is the speed dial digit (1 through
9) associated with the number you want
to dial.
Allows you to dial a personal speed dial
number. To configure personal speed
dialing, see Speed Dialing
Speed Dial — System Feature + 700 + speed dial number
*700*n#, where n is the speed dial
number associated with the number you
want to dial.
Allows you to dial a system speed dial
number. To configure personal speed
dialing, see Speed Dialing.
Transfer Feature + 420, then <destination> +
hang up
This is an unattended transfer. For an
attended transfer, see Transferring a
Transfer to Voice Mail
Feature + 440
When enabled, transfers all calls to the
voice mail. See Forwarding Calls to Voice
Transfer to Another User’s
Voice Mail
Feature + 441, then <destination>
Transfer, then*441*<destination>, then
See Transferring a Call to Another User’s
Voice Mail.
User Directory Feature + 461 Lists the users in the local user directory
or, if enabled, the users in the global
user directory. See Viewing the User
View Personal Speed Dials Feature + 463 Displays the personal speed dial
View System Speed Dials Feature + 464 Displays the system speed dial numbers
Table 11 VCX Feature Codes Alphabetical by Feature or Task (continued)
Feature Feature Code Entry Description