
8 Integration in Tivoli NetView
Definitions of Terms Introduction
2.2 Definitions of Terms
Global directory names of NetView
NetView is installed in the folder \usr\ov on the drive stored in the
environment variable NV_DRIVE.
The “ServerView Integration in NetView” product
The “ServerView Integration in NetView” product consists of an
integration package that you can add on to an existing NetView instal-
ServerView application
ServerView is a server management software for all devices with
ServerView agents. When integrated in NetView under Windows, it is
used to graphically display the MIB variables of the corresponding MIBs
and to configure the servers. You can install ServerView from the
PRIMERGY ServerView Suite Software CD.
Map application
The Map application is part of the integration package. It is automatically
started whenever the symbol for a PRIMERGY server is assigned to an
object of a map in NetView. Such assignments can occur automatically
via a call to the Poll application for all objects or can be made manually
by the user at the NetView console.
Poll application
The Poll application is part of the integration package. It supports
searching for devices with installed ServerView agents and is called by
the user via the MIsc – Extended Discovery – Discover Fujitsu Siemens
Server menu.
In the context of NetView, an object is the representation of a physical
object in the NetView database. In this database, an object has a defined
set of properties. An object may be displayed in the NetView map by one
or more (possibly different) symbols.