
38 Integration in Tivoli NetView
Configuring with the Map Application Configuration and Operation
The Poll application enables the symbol type to be assigned more precisely. It
can determine the symbol type of a device by checking whether a specific MIB
object is supported by that device.
All Poll application output is sent to the shell in which NetView was started. The
change in symbol type has the following effect in connection with the Map appli-
cation: the Map application configures the related node as a Fujitsu Siemens
server by changing the symbol type to FujitsuSiemens.
I Note the effects of the SNMP parameter settings in NetView in this
If you have defined the wrong Community-String for a device, the request of
the Poll application will be rejected, and the device will not be detected
If you have selected a Timeout value that is too low, the requests may be
aborted before a response can be received. If the Timeout value is too high,
this will lead to delays when polling devices which do not have SNMP agents
or for which the SNMP agent is inactive.
The reliability of the network connections is determined by the Retry-Count.
If you have selected too high a Retry-Count, this will lead to delays when
polling devices which do not have SNMP agents or for which the SNMP
agent is inactive.
I Set the IPMAP_NO_SYMBOL_CHANGES environment variable in the
runtime environment of NetView to TRUE. This prevents changes to the
symbol types from being reset by NetView as part of the Configuration
Monitoring, which runs continuously.
V Warning
Do not terminate NetView while the Poll application is running.
5.1.7 Configuration File of the Poll Application
In the $OV_BIN/ServerViewPoll.cfg file you will find the definitions of the tests
performed by this application. Each entry in this file has the following format (the
quotes and commas are part of the syntax and must always be specified):