Set REGION TYPE=L AGRANGIAN (default) to apply the radiation condition to a
Lagrangian boundary regio n. The edge of a Lagrangian boundary region will follow the material
while allowing adaptive meshing along the edge and within the interior of the region.
Set REGION TYPE=SLIDING to apply the radiation condition to a sliding boundary region.
The edge of a slidin g boundary region will slide over the material. Adaptive meshing will occur
along the edge and in the interior of the region. Mesh constraints are typical ly applied on the edge
of a sliding boundar y region to fix it spatially.
Set REGION TYPE=EULERIAN to apply the radiation condition to an Eulerian boundary
region. This option is used to create a b oundary region across which material can flow. Mesh
constraints must be used normal to an Eulerian boundary region to allow material to flow through
the region. If no mesh constr aints are applied, an Eulerian boundary region will behave in the same
way as a sliding boundary region.
Data lines to define radiation conditions:
First line:
1. Element number or element set name.
2. Radiation type (see Part VI, “Elements,” of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual).
3. Reference ambient temperature value,
.(Unitsof .)
4. Emissivity,
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define radiation conditions.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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