WIND: Define wind velocity profile for wind loading.
Product: ABAQUS/Aqua
Type: Model data
Level: Model
“ABAQUS/Aqua analysis,” Section 6.10.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
There are no parameters associated with this option.
Data line to define the wind velocity profile:
First (and only) line:
1. Air density, .
2. Reference height for wind profile,
3. Local x-direction velocity constant,
(default value 1.0).
4. Local y-direction velocity constant,
(default value 1.0).
5. x-direction cosine defining the direction of the unit vector
(the wind local x-axis) with respect
to the global coordinate system. In three-dimensional c ases both x-andy-components are
needed; in two-dimensional cases only the x-component is u sed.
6. y-direction cosine defining the directi on of the unit vector
(the wind local x-axis) with respect
to the global coordinate system. This compone nt is not needed in two-dim ensional cases.
(default value 1/7).
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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