Command Line Interface
The following example shows the event message stored in RAM.
SMTP Alert Commands
These commands configure SMTP event handling, and forwarding of alert
messages to the specified SMTP servers and email recipients.
logging sendmail host
This command specifies SMTP servers that will be sent alert messages. Use the no
form to remove an SMTP server.
[no] logging sendmail host ip_address
ip_address - IP address of an SMTP server that will be sent alert
messages for event handling.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
• You can specify up to three SMTP servers for event handing. However, you
must enter a separate command to specify each server.
• To send email alerts, the switch first opens a connection, sends all the email
alerts waiting in the queue one by one, and finally closes the connection.
Console#show log ram
[1] 00:01:30 2001-01-01
"VLAN 1 link-up notification."
level: 6, module: 5, function: 1, and event no.: 1
[0] 00:01:30 2001-01-01
"Unit 1, Port 1 link-up notification."
level: 6, module: 5, function: 1, and event no.: 1
Table 4-21 SMTP Alert Commands
Command Function Mode Page
logging sendmail host SMTP servers to receive alert messages GC 4-48
logging sendmail level Severity threshold used to trigger alert messages GC 4-49
logging sendmail
Email address used for “From” field of alert messages GC 4-49
logging sendmail
Email recipients of alert messages GC 4-50
logging sendmail Enables SMTP event handling GC 4-50
show logging sendmail Displays SMTP event handler settings NE, PE 4-51