Command Line Interface
Related Commands
show marking (4-100)
show marking
This command displays the current configuration for packet marking.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Related Commands
match access-list ip (4-99)
Console(config)#interface ethernet 1/12
Console(config-if)#match access-list ip bill set dscp 0
Console#show marking
Interface ethernet 1/12
match access-list IP bill set DSCP 0
match access-list MAC a set priority 0
Table 4-36 MAC ACL Commands
Command Function Mode Page
access-list mac Creates a MAC ACL and enters configuration mode GC 4-101
permit, deny Filters packets matching a specified source and
destination address, packet format, and Ethernet type
MAC-ACL 4-102
show mac access-list Displays the rules for configured MAC ACLs PE 4-103
access-list mac
Changes to the mode for configuring access control masks GC 4-104
mask Sets a precedence mask for the ACL rules MAC-Mask 4-104
show access-list mac
Shows the ingress or egress rule masks for MAC ACLs PE 4-106
mac access-group Adds a port to a MAC ACL IC 4-107
show mac access-group Shows port assignments for MAC ACLs PE 4-107
map access-list mac Sets the CoS value and corresponding output queue for
packets matching an ACL rule
IC 4-108
show map access-list mac Shows CoS value mapped to an access list for an interface PE 4-108
match access-list mac Changes the 802.1p priority of a frame matching the
defined rule (i.e., also called packet marking)
IC 4-109
show marking Displays the current configuration for packet marking PE 4-100