System Introduction 1-11
Table 1-19 Windows 95 Key Descriptions
Key Description
Windows logo key Start button. Combinations with this key performs special functions, e.g.:
Windows + Tab
Activate next Taskbar button
Windows + E
Explore My Computer
Windows + F
Find Document
Windows + M
Minimize All
Shift + Windows + M
Undo Minimize All
Windows + R
Display Run dialog box
Application key Opens the application’s context menu (same as right-click).
1.3.17 FDD
Table 1-20 FDD Specifications
Item Specification
Vendor & model name Mitsumi D353F2
Floppy Disk Specifications
Media recognition 2DD (720K) 2HD (1.2M, 3-mode) 2HD (1.44M)
Sectors / track 9 15 18
Tracks 80 80 80
Data transfer rate (Kbits/s) 250 300 500 500
Rotational speed (RPM) 300 360 360 300
Read/write heads 2
Encoding method MFM
Power Requirement
Input Voltage (V) +5 ± 10%
1.3.18 HDD
Table 1-21 HDD Specifications
Item Specification
Vendor & Model Name Hitachi DK225A-21 IBM DTNA22160 IBM DDLA21620
Drive Format
Capacity (MB) 2160 2160 1620
Bytes per sector 512 512 512
Logical heads 16 16 16
Logical sectors 63 63 63
Drive Format
Logical cylinders 4889 4200 3152
Physical read/write heads 6 6 3
Disks 3 3 2