P1166 / P1266 / P1266i / P1166P / P1266P
total pixel number of pixel clock in one line
(2) Select "Tracking" function and use right or
left arrow key to adjust the value to minimize
video icker.
- Adjust Resync or Frequency/Tracking/H. Posi-
tion/V. Position to the inner screen.
Inspection item - Eliminate visual wavy noise by Rsync,
Frequency or Tracking selection.
- Check if there is noise on the screen.
- Horizontal and vertical position of the video
should be adjustable to the screen frame.
Criteria - If there is noise on the screen, the product is
considered as failure product.
- If there is noise on the screen, use auto or
manual “frequency” function or “tracking” func-
tion to adjust the screen.
- The PC mode functionally sure be workable
include support format with frequency and auto
detected functional will be workable.
2. Light Leak
Procedure - Test equipment: video generator.
- Test signal: analog 1024 x 768@60Hz1024 x 768@60Hz
- Test Pattern: gray 30 patterns
- Check if the light leaks.
* Light leak on reective edge, eyecatcher, bond-
wires and exposed metal.
Inspection item - Light leak check.
- Bright blemish (dirty).
Criteria - The pattern can accept four bright leakage at
most on gray 30 pattern.
- Ref. the Defect specication table
Note: The defect criteria follows TI specication.
Gray 30