P1166 / P1266 / P1266i / P1166P / P1266P
5. Wireless Network Function Test
- Unplug LAN Cable from Projector and PC.
- Right click "Wireless Network Connection", then
choose "View Available Wireless Networks".
- "Wireless Network Connection" picture will appear
on the screen, then double click
"AcerProjectorGateway" to connect PC with
wireless network.
- Double click "Acer Projector Gateway".
- "Empowering Technology - Acer eProjection
Management" and "Login - AcerProjectorGateway"
will appear on the sreen, then key in "8948" that
is you writed down the Projector ID.
- Click "OK".
- The Wireless Network Function should be OK if
the projector projects PC signal.
Note: If you want to get the better signal, you may
use the aerial to connect the projector.