First things first
Assigning security options
• There are no serviceable parts inside your handheld so do not attempt to
open the unit.
• If you ever dispose of your handheld, please dispose it without damaging the
environment. Take your handheld to the nearest environmental recycling
Assigning security options
The Security application in your handheld lets you set options to protect entries from
unauthorised users in a variety of ways:
The security application lets you:
• Mask or hide entries you have defined as private.
– The Mask option displays a gray bar over private records.
– The Hide option completely hides private records.
• Assign a password to viewing options to enhance security.
– Assigning a password requires you to enter a password before private
entries can be viewed.
– Not assigning a password lets you view private entries when you select
Show Records from the Security dialog box.
• Lock and turn off your handheld so that a password must be entered before
you can use the device again.
• Hide records that you have defined as private, with or without a password.
– Without a password, private records are hidden until you set the Security
application to display them.
– With a password, you must enter the password to view the private
For more information on how to set these security features, refer to "Security" on
page 16.