Setup 6-7
6.4 System Configuration
The following screen is the basic system configuration screen.
Basic System Configuration Page 1/1
Current Date ---------------- [09/16/96]
Current Time ---------------- [16:30:35]
Diskette Drive A ------------ [1.44 MB 3.5-inch]
Diskette Drive B ------------ [ None ]
Cylinder Head Sector
Hard Disk 0 (1160 MB) ------- [Auto] 2358 16 63
Hard Disk 1 ( 0 MB) ------- [Auto] 0 0 0
Num Lock After Boot --------- [Disabled]
LCD Expansion Mode ---------- [Disabled]
↑↓ = Move Highlight Bar, ←→ = Change Setting
PgDn/PgUp = Move Screen, F1 = Help, Esc = Exit
Press w or y to move from one parameter to another, and z or x to change
parameter settings.
Most of the parameters are self-explanatory, but you can press l to get help
on the selected parameter. Press | to exit the screen and return to the main
6.4.1 Date and Time
The current date is in MM/DD/YYYY format. The current time is in
HH:MM:SS format. The system uses a 24-hour clock which means, for
example, that 6:25:50 PM appears as 18:25:50.